interior of the cafe no stress in prague

Cafe No Stress

Cafe No Stress Once upon a time there was a restaurant opposite the Spanish Synagogue called No Stress which was a kind of Asian/French fusion restaurant. The head chef Didine Benmissi who worked there for 18 years could never secure a supply of high quality French-style bread and so he started to make his own. … Read More

interior classical decoration of the prague cafe savoy

Cafe Savoy

Prague Cafes – Cafe Savoy As you approach Cafe Savoy in Prague you should pay attention to the extra words on the main signage which say “Restaurant – Vinotheque – Patisserie” so this is going to be a lot more than your regular coffee and cake stop. Note: This place has nothing to do with … Read More

ovocny svetozor sign

Cafe Ovocny Svetozor

Cafe Ovocný Světozor Back in the 1970s when hardline Communism was the name of the game and travel outside the country was almost unheard of one company decided to name itself with the apparently grandiose title of Ovocný Lahůdek Světozor. Světozor means “world view” so the company name translated as “a world view of fruit … Read More

prague municipal house front facade with mosaic and balcony

Municipal House

Top Prague Attraction – Municipal House At the turn of the 20th Century the Austro-Hungarian Empire was weakening. In Prague you could see this with different architectural projects that incorporated very Nationalist and in our case, Slavic designs. The name “Municipal House” might lead you to think that this was going to be some grand … Read More

kasarna karlin army barracks parade ground with yellow deckchairs

Kasarna Karlin

Kasarna Karlin Creative Arts and Entertainment is currently CLOSED VENUE CLOSED. On old German maps of Prague you’ll see this spelled like “Kaserne” but the Czech version is Kasárna. Either way it’s a word that describes a barracks so expect a ring of buildings around a huge open square that would once have been an … Read More

interior decor of prague cafe au gourmand in the style of a french patisserie

Cafe Au Gourmand

Prague Cafes – Au Gourmand Many cafes in Prague have a signature architectural style and I’ve written about several of them but if you want to get as close to an original beautifully tiled Parisienne patisserie in Prague then it’s time to visit Cafe Au Gourmand. Let’s not beat about the bush. You will be … Read More

prague cafe imperial ceramic oriental ceiling decoration

Cafe Imperial

Prague Cafes – Cafe Imperial Architectural Gem When I first visited the Cafe Imperial in 1996 it was because I worked about 200 metres away. In those days despite the stunning interior it was just a “regular cafe” called the Imperial Kavarna and the hotel certainly wasn’t five star back then. People with long memories … Read More

czech food smazenka egg mixed with breadcrumbs topped with pickles and onions

Czech Food – Smazenka

Czech Food – Smaženka You won’t find Smaženka in restaurants as it is very much a lunchtime snack food which you are most likely to find in a bakery or small cafe catering to local Czechs. Literally the name means “something little which is fried” so let’s find out what to expect. Is Smaženka an … Read More

The Spot Cafe Lounge neon sign at Dlouha 13

The Spot Cafe Lounge

Prague Cafes – The Spot Cafe Lounge I visited the Spot Cafe Lounge on the recommendation of a friend who said it was smart, friendly and had a great menu. Of course I had to check this out along with my wife so we walked literally 200 metres from the Old Town Square to Dlouha … Read More

The Art Nouveau interior of the Municipal House Cafe in Prague

Municipal House Cafe

Municipal House Cafe You’ll find lots of tips for eating and drinking on this site. If you’re like me then you appreciate a nice cup of coffee and believe me there are many places that you can try. But if you’re only here for a couple of days there really are 5 or 6 cafes … Read More