Kralik or rabbit served with puree potatoes and onion sauce

Czech Food – Kralik

Kralik – Rabbit Tired of Chicken and Pork? Then look out for what we call Králík (it’s pronounced like kraa-leek) which is rabbit. It’s not a common item on regular menus but you’ll see it often on chalkboard menus indicating it’s a temporary item. Later in the year it becomes more available (hunting season) where … Read More

pekarstvi signage

Pekarstvi – Bakery

Pekarstvi – Bakery In Prague you’ll find Pekařství all over the city. Some still adhere to their original role of selling bread. Many offer additional services but most of them will be closed by 6pm so this is very much a place you’d stop for a simple breakfast or something to take away for lunch. … Read More

pilsner urquell lager label made into an advertsing

Pilsner Urquell Lager

Pilsner Urquell – The source of Pilsner Pilsner Urquell is not just a beer, it’s a brand and a worldwide brand at that. Probably one of the most famous beers in the world and certainly the most well known in Czechia let’s explain some things that you may not have known and let’s see who … Read More

coil of pork sausage called vinna klobasa on a plate served with boiled potatoes

Czech Food – Vinna Klobasa

Czech Food – Vinna Klobasa Despite the name “Klobása” which you would expect to be red in colour, vinná klobása is a white sausage although it might acquire some colour once cooked. It has a very unique appearance on the plate. The basic ingredients of vinná klobása will be pork mince, bread soaked in milk, … Read More

czech filled dumplings served on a bed of caramelised onions

Czech Filled Dumplings

Czech Filled Dumplings Very often Czechs will eat smoked pork or what we call Uzena. From the original joint, part will be cooked immediately and part will be frozen to use later. Filled dumplings are what we use it for. Strangely, if a dumpling is filled with meat it’s often just referred to as a … Read More

graphic on the front of a bottle of R. Jelinek slivovice or plum brandy

Slivovice – Plum Brandy

Food and Drink – Slivovice – Plum Brandy Slivovice sounds like “sliv-voh-vit-ser” and you will find it in every bar in the city. Pretty much anybody who has visited Prague will have at least tried it and for those of us that live here it’s an unavoidable fact of life that during celebrations we have … Read More

one kilo beef steak challenge with restaurant logo in prague

1 Kilo Beef Steak Challenge

One Kilo Beef Steak Challenge For my readers who still work with Imperial measurements this is 2.2 Pounds or the same weight as a regular bag of sugar. Are you hungry enough or do you have the capacity for having a go at this? Then head on down to Restaurant Mustek. I know this more … Read More

langoš with grated cheese and ketchup on a white plate

Czech Food – Langoš

Czech Food – Langoš The full name that you might recognise is Langoustine but we call it Langoš (sounds like “lan-gosh”). You won’t find Langoš in any restaurants as it is very much a street food option. From a distance it looks like some kind of small pizza. It’s about as unhealthy a snack as … Read More

Czech Pork Knuckle served on a plate

Czech Food – Pork Knuckle

Czech Food – Pork Knuckle, a kilo of joy Goulash is the number one most popular Czech Food but Pork Knuckle or what we call Koleno is a close runner-up. To be accurate it’s always referred to as Roast Pork Knuckle or “pečené koleno”. It’s a beast and you should not even consider taking this … Read More

ovocny svetozor sign

Cafe Ovocny Svetozor

Cafe Ovocný Světozor Back in the 1970s when hardline Communism was the name of the game and travel outside the country was almost unheard of one company decided to name itself with the apparently grandiose title of Ovocný Lahůdek Světozor. Světozor means “world view” so the company name translated as “a world view of fruit … Read More