signage for prague alfons mucha museum

Mucha Museum

Mucha Museum – Alfons Mucha Anybody that knows me will be aware of my interests in art and architecture. On the “art” side I’ve written about Alfons Mucha as a person, his impact on the Municipal House, a 5-post breakdown of his most famous work, the Slav Epic. I’ve seen the entire Slav Epic exhibited … Read More

panoramic view of prague smetana hall from the upper main balcony

Smetana Hall

Smetana Hall All guidebooks about Prague will mention the Municipal House but the Smetana Hall inside the building gets much less coverage probably because it’s not a place that you can just walk into. Strange, when you think that the Smetana Hall was to be the beacon of the celebration of Slavic culture and the … Read More

opening paragraphs of the czech declaration of charter 77

Charter 77

Politics and History – Charter 77 You don’t have to spend too much time watching Czech news to learn that famous people have died. Sometimes however the name is followed by a simple phrase “Charter 77 signatory”. In our current time of being able to say pretty much whatever we like and not have to … Read More

the art nouveau style tomb of the novak family in prague's vysehrad cemetery

Vysehrad Cemetery

Exploring Prague’s Vyšehrad Cemetery It’s not normally on many people’s top ten list of things to do in Prague unless 1) you like cemeteries, 2) you like art/design and 3) you know something of Czech culture. But for some people a trip to the Vyšehrad Cemetery will be an interesting and rewarding experience. I’ll show … Read More

mordecai maisel ohel in prague old jewish cemetery

Mordecai Maisel

Famous Czechs – Mordecai Maisel Mordecai, Mordechaj or Mordechai, Maisel, Meisel or Meysel. There have been several interpretations of his name so I’m going to stick with Mordecai Maisel (fun fact: in Yiddish, Maisel means mouse). Let’s put ourselves in the last half of the 16th Century. Emperors Maximilian and Rudolf II have been kind … Read More

poster for an alfons mucha exhibition at the prague waldstein riding school

Famous Czechs – Alfons Mucha

Famous Czechs – Alfons Mucha Alfons Mucha is one of the most famous Czechs but in a strange twist of fate if you look him up in Wikipedia you’ll find that although he was born just south-west of Brno in 1860 he was technically not born in Czech. When he died in Prague in 1939 … Read More

prague manes exhibition hall with blue sky framed by trees as viewed from slavonic island

Manes Exhibition Hall

Mánes Exhibition Hall The Mánes Exhibition Hall, or to give it its full name “The Building of the Mánes Society of Fine Artists” is on the riverside one block up river from the National Theatre but if you aim for Slavonic Island you’ll see the large white building from the main road. In Czech, Mánes … Read More

czech 19 korun postage stamp with the graphic image of film director milos forman

Milos Forman

Famous Czechs – Miloš Forman Ask the average person what film directors they have heard of and it will be a pretty short list including Alfred Hitchcock and Steven Spielberg I imagine. Now ask your average Czech person and they’ll probably reel off a dozen names off the top of their head without even thinking. … Read More

jaroslav drobny receiving wimbledon mens singles trophy in 1954

The Egyptian Who Won Wimbledon

The Egyptian Who Won Wimbledon – Famous Czechs – Jaroslav Drobny If you are wondering what possible link there can be between Prague and an Egyptian who won the Men’s Singles Title at Wimbledon then read on because it’s an interesting story. You won’t find the name Jaroslav Drobný in many history books but look … Read More

a representation of jan zajic on a czech national flag

Famous Czechs – Jan Zajic

Famous Czechs – Jan Zajic To set the scene you have to understand that the August 1968 invasion of Prague by Warsaw Pact countries extinguished the Prague Spring freedoms. Any political or social reforms were cancelled and Czechoslovakia regressed to its 1950’s state. As was increasingly common in the late 1960s, the method of the … Read More