slav epic, the coronation of serbian tsar stepan dusan, slavic legislation

Slav Epic Part Three

Slav Epic Part Three – Paintings 6 to 10 This post explores the detail on the paintings numbered 6 to 10 in the Slav Epic series with interpretation, what to look for and historic context etc. If you want first to learn what leads up to the creation of the Slav Epic, who painted it, … Read More

Slav epic, the defence of sziget by nikola zrnski

Slav Epic Part Four

Slav Epic Part Four – Paintings 11 to 15 This post explores the detail on paintings numbered 11 to 15 in the Slav Epic series with interpretation, what to look for and historic context etc. If you want first to learn what leads up to the creation of the Slav Epic, who painted it, when … Read More

Slav Epic by Alfons Mucha, the Oath of the Omladina Under the Linden tree

Slav Epic Part Five

Slav Epic Part Five – Paintings 16 to 20 This post explores the detail on paintings numbered 16 to 20 in the Slav Epic with interpretation, what to look for and historic context etc. If you want first to learn what leads up to the creation of the Slav Epic, who painted it, when and … Read More

split graphic with a black and white picture of a cross on the left and on the rights taken through a wire fence are spray painted scenes of life in the gypsy camp 1

The Pig Farm

The Pig Farm Before you read this post you might like to get the necessary background by reading the Roma Internment in World War Two post. In 1992 an American journalist called Paul Polansky was in the regional Czech town of Trebon researching the 19th century emigration of Czechs to the USA and found that … Read More

a 17th century stone water tower next to a czech street sign that translates as the way to the new mill

Lost Islands of Prague

Lost Islands of Prague Every city goes through redevelopment, it’s just one of those things which comes with city life and Prague has been through it’s own share of changes. This is a post about the lost islands of Prague. It’s @1850 and there’s a new Emperor on the throne called Franz Josef. There are … Read More

plaque on a wall in prague dedicated to pavel lion 1930-1944

The Terezin Ghetto Editors

The Terezin Ghetto Editors It’s December 1941 and the Nazis had begun the deportation of the Jewish community from all parts of the Protectorate (what Czech was called during WW2) to the new internment camp called the Terezin Ghetto. By the summer of 1942 conditions were getting worse with overcrowding and the Jewish Council in … Read More

pre-ww2 czech roma id card used during ww2 roma internment

WW2 Roma Internment

WW2 Roma Internment In World War Two a group of people were racially profiled, segregated, interned, transported, tattooed and executed. But this isn’t a story about Jewish people. In England we might know them as travellers, some people call them gypsies but in Czech they are called Roma. As far back as 1933, Adolf Hitler … Read More

1842 map of prague jewish ghetto showing the locations of the nine largest synagogues

The Prague Jewish Ghetto Destruction

The Prague Jewish Ghetto Destruction On this post I’ll seek to give you an overview of the timeline and decisions taken which eventually led to the destruction of the Prague Jewish Ghetto. Before the year 1437 Jewish citizens in Prague could live wherever they wanted and there is ample evidence to show that they had … Read More

prague flag two horizontal bars gold over red

Prague Flag

Prague Flag People who come to Prague often wonder why there are so many Spanish flags in the city. However, if they had looked closer they would have seen that the Spanish flag is Red-Yellow-Red and the one you see throughout Prague is Yellow over Red. So where does it come from and who can … Read More

the prague 1890 flood memorial to 20 soldiers who died during the event

Prague 1890 Flood

Prague 1890 Flood One of the memorials which caught my eye in the 8th District on the edge of Karlin where it meets Invalidovna has the names of 20 people and an abbreviation “Rak-UH 3 Pol.Praporu”. Well the Rak-UH was easily translated to “Austro-Hungarian” and with a bit of extra effort it was revealed to … Read More