
State Versus Private Schools in Prague

State Versus Private Schools in Prague The Financial Factor Prague is quite a cosmopolitan city so even in the state schools, which are teaching exclusively in Czech language, there are many foreign language children and teachers are trained for the gradual integration of children with no initial knowledge of Czech (there are nominated state schools … Read More

The Prague Elementary School Level

Elementary Level – When School Officially Starts It’s all at sixes and sevens….. It came as a bit of a shock when I found out that kids in Czech start what we call “proper school” as late as 7. In the UK we’re used to kicking the young one into the Infants school at 5. … Read More

Transition Between Prague Schools

Transition Between Prague Schools Moving On Even when you’ve found a great school for your kids there will inevitably come the time to leave and go to a different stage or a different location so you want to be thinking about this at least a year before the move. Kindergarden/Materska to Elementary Prague schools will … Read More

materska skola sign

Prague Education – Kindergarden

Prague Kindergardens (The Czech Materska stage) – Lessons Learned Our family is out of that stage now but we still bump into people with the same issue. Your child is about 3 years old, your wife wants to properly go back to work and the kid is “getting bored at home”. All the signs are … Read More

An Introduction to Education in Prague

Prague Education Options and Stages – An Introduction First Things First If this is a stay of a couple of months and you’ve got money for international schools then language will not be an issue. If it’s long-stay or relocation and you are looking at either private or state school options then get your kids … Read More

Prague Children Friendly Restaurants and Cafes

Prague Children Friendly Restaurants and Cafes Eating out in Prague with kids again can be challenging. I wish I could say that places will be greeting families with welcome arms but, I live in the real world. It’s much better than it used to be but still, it could be even better. I find it … Read More

Prague Universities Study Options

Prague Universities and Study Options Prague is an extremely popular place to study for four reasons:It’s got top universities and alumni!It’s great value for money!It’s Safe!It’s got a thriving student social scene! It’s definitely not unheard of for people to stay in Prague after their studies are completed and if that’s the case there are … Read More