alfons mucha slav epic

Slav Epic Part One

Slav Epic Part One – Introduction and Location The Slav Epic is a huge piece of work whether you look at it from a perspective of the number of paintings i.e. twenty, the size of the paintings (6 of the paintings would cover the front of a terraced house in England, including the roof), the … Read More

Slav epic, celebration of Svantovit, when gods are at war

Slav Epic Part Two

Slav Epic Part Two – Paintings 1 to 5 This post explores the detail on paintings numbered 1 to 5 in the Slav Epic series with interpretation, what to look for and historic context etc. If you want first to learn what leads up to the creation of the Slav Epic, who painted it, when … Read More

slav epic, the coronation of serbian tsar stepan dusan, slavic legislation

Slav Epic Part Three

Slav Epic Part Three – Paintings 6 to 10 This post explores the detail on the paintings numbered 6 to 10 in the Slav Epic series with interpretation, what to look for and historic context etc. If you want first to learn what leads up to the creation of the Slav Epic, who painted it, … Read More

Slav epic, the defence of sziget by nikola zrnski

Slav Epic Part Four

Slav Epic Part Four – Paintings 11 to 15 This post explores the detail on paintings numbered 11 to 15 in the Slav Epic series with interpretation, what to look for and historic context etc. If you want first to learn what leads up to the creation of the Slav Epic, who painted it, when … Read More

Slav Epic by Alfons Mucha, the Oath of the Omladina Under the Linden tree

Slav Epic Part Five

Slav Epic Part Five – Paintings 16 to 20 This post explores the detail on paintings numbered 16 to 20 in the Slav Epic with interpretation, what to look for and historic context etc. If you want first to learn what leads up to the creation of the Slav Epic, who painted it, when and … Read More

Film Review – Kolja

Film Review – Kolja Have you got Netflix? This is a post about a Czech film called Kolja that won the Oscar for Best Foreign Film in 1997 and is available on Netflix. I first saw this film in it’s original language i.e. Czech but with French subtitles (because I was in France at the … Read More

Josef Jungmann

Famous Czechs – Josef Jungmann One of those hugely influential people that often gets no more than a paragraph in a guidebook. On this post I’ll explain who he was, what he is famous for, why they picked that spot for the statue and a little secret. The Josef Jungmann statue is on the route … Read More

Havels Hearts

Havels Hearts Vaclav Havel was president of the Czech Republic when I first came here in 1996. He was obviously held in high regard by many and certainly those with artistic/cultural backgrounds. He was a reluctant president and known as a politician with a heart. This all started back in 2002. Havel had been elected … Read More

prague david cerny moving sculpture of franz kafka's head

The Modern Art of David Cerny in Prague

David Cerny Man on a Mission In English you say it like David Cherny. I was never a great fan of what might be considered modern art and on my rounds of the “modern” museums of Prague I never found anything to really get excited about. Then one day I had just left the Kampa … Read More

intellectual graffiti

DOX Centre for Contemporary Art

DOX Centre for Contemporary Art in Prague DOX is a little way out of the centre in Holešovice. Opened in 2008, it’s in a converted factory giving it 3000 square metres of internal and external space for hosting a variety of exhibitions. DOX does not carry a permanent exhibition so you’ll normally find two or … Read More