black and white picture of the ocean liner ss patria in 1918 with three funnels plus fore and aft masts

SS Patria Disaster

SS Patria Disaster A trans-Atlantic liner called the SS Patria sank on 25th November 1940 at the port of Haifa in what was then Palestine. You’re thinking what the hell as this got to do with Prague? Well for me it all started with a photo. In 2015 I was preparing to start my Walking … Read More

monument to victims of communism in Prague lesser town, stone steps with bronze figures, wreaths and flowers

Monument to Victims of Communism

Monument to Victims of Communism If you are heading for the Funicular to take you up to Petrin Park then consider visiting the Monument to Victims of Communism as it is less than 200 metres away. Background Czechoslovakia formed in 1918 as a democratic Republic. After World War Two it was still a democratic Republic … Read More

The Czech-German Reconciliation Memorial - Teplice nad Metují

The Prague Bomber

The Prague Bomber Bombs going off in Prague would make headlines today but in 2003 a guy called Vladimír Štěpánek was in his own world of anger. It had taken 5 years, a lot of expertise and a brutal showdown to stop him. Breaking Point According to statements by his family, Štěpánek was a fairly … Read More

two men disguised as chimney sweeps either side of a huge pair of red shorts

A Pair of Red Shorts

A Pair of Red Shorts Every now and again there has to be a line drawn and some consequences dished out. This is a true story about an outlandish protest and an equally outlandish but ultimately petty response. This post will help you understand why sometimes you see a pair of red shorts hanging above … Read More

aerial map of prague showing bend in river and bomb site locations

Prague World War Two Bombings

Prague World War Two Bombings On the Walking Tours people invariably ask that given the stunning beauty and historic architecture, was Prague bombed in the war? So, specifically the Old Town was not bombed but the city was bombed on a total of 3 occasions. Setting the Scene The tide has turned. The allies are … Read More

faces of jan palach and josef toufar on a wall with the dates of their death

Story of a Photograph

Story of a Photograph I never know where I’ll be drawn next when I’m writing about Prague. This was supposed to be a religious persecution post, but it took a few turns and left me with a big surprise at the end. It started with a picture I took years ago of an empty building … Read More

detail showing names and roles of people executed on june 21st 1621 on prague old town square

Prague Old Town Square 1621 Memorial

Prague Old Town Square 1621 Memorial As you wander around the city you’ll pass various memorials to people and events. On the Old Town Square you’ll find the 1621 memorial. Actually you are more likely to walk over it first. It might look old but in reality it only goes back to renovation work done … Read More

plaque in cobble stones showing the name josef gabcik, his rank, military operation and date of birth and death

Operation Anthropoid Hidden Plaques

Operation Anthropoid – The Hidden Plaques 2018 For most people the story of Operation Anthropoid stops when the 7 soldiers are killed. Tourists will visit the Church of St Cyril and ST Methodius in Resslova street to see the church, to visit the crypt and to look at the window to the crypt from outside. … Read More

map showing dispositions and locations of opposing forces at the battle of white mountain during the thirty years war

Thirty Years War

Thirty Years War Before you read this post take a few minutes to read about the Prague Defenestrations and specifically the third one. This sets the political tone. You might think that this is just history but in fact it has a direct impact on your tourism today. Look in your guidebook and it will … Read More

illusion art of man pushing another man out of a window

Prague Defenestrations

Prague Defenestrations Defenestration comes from the German word for window i.e. Fenster. the act of throwing someone or something out of a window. expulsion, riddance, ejection, exclusion – the act of forcing out someone or something; Oxford English Dictionary The First and Second Prague Defenestrations As far as throwing people out of windows goes then … Read More