signage for prague alfons mucha museum

Mucha Museum

Mucha Museum – Alfons Mucha Anybody that knows me will be aware of my interests in art and architecture. On the “art” side I’ve written about Alfons Mucha as a person, his impact on the Municipal House, a 5-post breakdown of his most famous work, the Slav Epic. I’ve seen the entire Slav Epic exhibited … Read More

general signage picture for trdlo in prague showing four pieces

Trdlo – Chimney Cake

Trdlo It’s become very popular for tourists to try Trdlo or in the correct form “Trdelník” usually as a snack but compared with 15 years ago Trdlo comes with several different options so here I’ll describe what to expect and what to look out for at the point of sale. Origin of Trdlo Although it’s … Read More

pekarstvi signage

Pekarstvi – Bakery

Pekarstvi – Bakery In Prague you’ll find Pekařství all over the city. Some still adhere to their original role of selling bread. Many offer additional services but most of them will be closed by 6pm so this is very much a place you’d stop for a simple breakfast or something to take away for lunch. … Read More

signage of the prague womens only hostel in the tyn courtyard

Prague Women’s Only Hostel

Women’s Only Hostel Apart from the grammatical destruction of the English language in the name I welcome this new addition to the Prague Hostel scene. For the first time you don’t just have a female dorm or private room etc, the whole place is designed to be for women, hence the name. What triggered my … Read More

ovocny svetozor sign

Cafe Ovocny Svetozor

Cafe Ovocný Světozor Back in the 1970s when hardline Communism was the name of the game and travel outside the country was almost unheard of one company decided to name itself with the apparently grandiose title of Ovocný Lahůdek Světozor. Světozor means “world view” so the company name translated as “a world view of fruit … Read More

signage in czech that says they sell the czech hot dog called parek.

Czech Food – Parek

Czech Hot Dog – Parek I did a general post about Prague Hot Dogs but I thought I’d write a special one just for the Párek (in Czech it sounds like Pah-reck). The big difference is that most sausages are grilled over a fire or on a hot plate but Párek is either boiled or … Read More

czech food smazenka egg mixed with breadcrumbs topped with pickles and onions

Czech Food – Smazenka

Czech Food – Smaženka You won’t find Smaženka in restaurants as it is very much a lunchtime snack food which you are most likely to find in a bakery or small cafe catering to local Czechs. Literally the name means “something little which is fried” so let’s find out what to expect. Is Smaženka an … Read More

people sitting at tables at the svetozor jidelna in prague

Jidelna Svetozor

Jidelna Svetozor When friends come visiting the city or my walking tour clients express a wish to “go off the beaten path and experience the real Prague” then the Světozor Jidelna will be on my list of places to go. Světozor translates as “World View” and is pronounced like svee-et-oh-zor. The Jidelna Rules Why do … Read More

sign showing the entry to the gastro karlin jidelna in prague

Jidelna Gastro Karlin

Czech Food – Jidelna Gastro Karlin Karlin is in the 8th district of Prague with metro station Krizikova on the yellow “B” line and tram connections to Republic Square and Wenceslas Square. When I worked in Karlin between 2013 and 2015 I frequently had lunch here and Gastro Karlin has become my favourite lunch stop … Read More

A tray with a main meal of fried karbanatek, puree potato and gherkin with a side salad and drink

Czech Food – Karbanatek

Czech Food – Karbanatek You’ll find this staple of Czech cuisine on restaurant lunch menus and Chalkboard Menus plus also look out for it as humble pub food. As fried food, Karbanatek is not considered to be a very healthy option but it really does hit the spot if you are hungry and need something … Read More