collage of prague cool pass and prague visitor pass graphics on a city card comparison post

City Card Comparison

City Card Comparison On this post I’ll take a look at the two most popular City Tourist Cards which are the Cool Pass (formerly called Prague Card) and the Prague Visitor Pass (referred to as the Official City Pass). I’ll try to help you decide which is best for you. There is time and money … Read More

prague municipal house front facade with mosaic and balcony

Municipal House

Top Prague Attraction – Municipal House At the turn of the 20th Century the Austro-Hungarian Empire was weakening. In Prague you could see this with different architectural projects that incorporated very Nationalist and in our case, Slavic designs. The name “Municipal House” might lead you to think that this was going to be some grand … Read More

david cerny trifot sculpture in prague with multiple vintage cameras and eyeball lens

The Trifot Sculpture

David Cerny – Trifot Sculpture David Cerny basically does three types of sculpture. It’s either an artistic commissioned work or it’s artistic commissioned work where David Cerny inserts a protest message or it’s an outright protest piece. Trifot, mostly made of stainless steel and standing 12 metres (40 feet) tall, is commissioned with a protest … Read More

poster for an alfons mucha exhibition at the prague waldstein riding school

Famous Czechs – Alfons Mucha

Famous Czechs – Alfons Mucha Alfons Mucha is one of the most famous Czechs but in a strange twist of fate if you look him up in Wikipedia you’ll find that although he was born just south-west of Brno in 1860 he was technically not born in Czech. When he died in Prague in 1939 … Read More

prague manes exhibition hall with blue sky framed by trees as viewed from slavonic island

Manes Exhibition Hall

Mánes Exhibition Hall The Mánes Exhibition Hall, or to give it its full name “The Building of the Mánes Society of Fine Artists” is on the riverside one block up river from the National Theatre but if you aim for Slavonic Island you’ll see the large white building from the main road. In Czech, Mánes … Read More

Prague Pride Parade gathering on wenceslas Square with rainbow banners

Prague Pride

Prague Festivals – Prague Pride Throughout July and August you’ll see Gay Pride events taking place all over Europe. In Prague it’s usually at the beginning of August although dates vary. Prague Pride has grown from a small gathering of Czech people in a park to the massive multi-cultural-multi-lingual week long event that you’ll experience … Read More

czech 19 korun postage stamp with the graphic image of film director milos forman

Milos Forman

Famous Czechs – Miloš Forman Ask the average person what film directors they have heard of and it will be a pretty short list including Alfred Hitchcock and Steven Spielberg I imagine. Now ask your average Czech person and they’ll probably reel off a dozen names off the top of their head without even thinking. … Read More

prague expo 58 building in letna park with lots of vertical glass, steel tubular supports and cantilevered balconies

Prague Expo 58

Prague Expo 58 If you are thinking that Expo 58 was in Prague then unfortunately that would be wrong but we do have a little piece of Czech design that was built for Expo 58 in Brussels so if architecture and design interest you it might be worth a trip to the Adolf Loos Apartment … Read More

the interactive prague fake news lamp with aluminium frame

Fake News Lamp

The Prague Fake News Lamp – Taken down for repair in April 2023 The latest piece of interactive art in the city can be found attached to one of the arcades of the Municipal Library and to be honest unless you are looking for it you WILL walk right by it without noticing. To be … Read More

prague kampa museum on the riverside viewed from shooters island

Prague Kampa Museum

Kampa Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art There are several parts to Kampa Museum located in the old Sova Mills on Kampa Island. Primarily it’s the home of the Jan and Meda Mládek Foundation and due to it’s permanent collection leaning towards Cubism and Abstraction it has acquired a reputation as being a modern art … Read More